3 This Family is Nothing Like the Waltons Stars.A hot wedding hook up between two people caught in the moment. He is interested in more. But she left a phony business card to cover her tracks.Fast forward to another Wedding- this is one she is planning for an emotional bride who happens to be the sister of the Hunk she left behind. Our gal is sick as a dog with a mysterious flu.and is juggling combative parents on both sides of the couple.Sparks fly and lust is still there between 3 This Family is Nothing Like the Waltons Stars.A hot wedding hook up between two people caught in the moment. He is interested in more. But she left a phony business card to cover her tracks.Fast forward to another Wedding- this is one she is planning for an emotional bride who happens to be the sister of the Hunk she left behind.

Our gal is sick as a dog with a mysterious flu.and is juggling combative parents on both sides of the couple.Sparks fly and lust is still there between the main characters.the only questions remain, will she give the guy a chance. Will any of the parents stop interfering, does the Wedding seemed cursed. And what type of flu does our gal have.A gifted copy was provided by Sheila Seabrook via NetGalley for an honest review.For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways.ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.An opposites (wedding planner and divorce lawyer) attract romance that deal with family dysfunction with wit and laughter.Stephanie and Stone spark! From the beginning, they have palpable chemistry, making you root for them from the get go. Commitment-phobic people dealing with the fall-out from a particularly memorable one night stand in the midst of a full-blown wedding frenzy!These characters are human, flawed, real and show steady.ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.An opposites (wedding planner and divorce lawyer) attract romance that deal with family dysfunction with wit and laughter.Stephanie and Stone spark! From the beginning, they have palpable chemistry, making you root for them from the get go.

Commitment-phobic people dealing with the fall-out from a particularly memorable one night stand in the midst of a full-blown wedding frenzy!These characters are human, flawed, real and show steady development throughout the book in parallel with the development of their relationship. This novel has subplots that feature a well-rounded supporting cast that make the main story fuller with and more entertaining.This was fun and engaging. You'd be hard pressed not to read thisI think this story is the first I've read by Sheila Seabrook. I don't want you to miss out reading it.

Sheila has the uncanny writing ability to unite reader with an entire imaginary extended family. Something I thought was a no no in the writing world. Just too many characters if not done right does overwhelm the reader. This is not the case here I came away knowing more about these imaginary characters as if they are a part of my family. The reason You'd be hard pressed not to read thisI think this story is the first I've read by Sheila Seabrook. I don't want you to miss out reading it.

Sheila has the uncanny writing ability to unite reader with an entire imaginary extended family. Something I thought was a no no in the writing world. Just too many characters if not done right does overwhelm the reader. This is not the case here I came away knowing more about these imaginary characters as if they are a part of my family.

The reason being each member represents human condition; lust, love, commitment, secrecy, surprise pregnancy, breast cancer, heart attack, marriage, divorce, grandchildren, nosy in-laws whom mean well. The older you are (me 52) I could relate. No one died which usually happens in families but I don't think Sheila covered that emotional family event.

I wondered how Liz and Roger fared? I didn't like how they ended. Yes, I would read more writings by Sheila Seabrook. After all, you would be hard pressed not to.

Caught Between an Oops and a Hard Body is the first story in the new series by Sheila Seabrook, Caught Between. I can’t remember the last time I giggled along with a novel as much as I did with this one. And I double dog dare ya not to find yourself giggling or at the very least nodding with a silly smile on your face while enjoying this completely entertaining tale.Stephanie and Stone had met at a wedding a few weeks ago. Hot and heavy would be mild words toCaught Between an Oops and a Hard Body is the first story in the new series by Sheila Seabrook, Caught Between. I can’t remember the last time I giggled along with a novel as much as I did with this one.

And I double dog dare ya not to find yourself giggling or at the very least nodding with a silly smile on your face while enjoying this completely entertaining tale.Stephanie and Stone had met at a wedding a few weeks ago. Hot and heavy would be mild words to describe their reaction to each other. The sex was off the charts, but the next morning Stone found an empty bed and a phony business card as the only reminder of one amazing night. He would have gladly pursued the relationship, but it was obvious the lady had other ideas.Slone’s family is a bit unique? All of that and more. When he got a desperate call from his sister about their mother setting out to ruin the wedding that he hadn’t known was taking place this weekend, Stone’s first reaction was to blow it off.

But then as his assistant tossed an unanswered email in front of him and Googled his sister and her intended – well, things got very interesting. There smiling out from his computer screen was the lovely, sexy lady with the phony business card – standing beside his sister and an unknown man. All of Stone’s divorcing clients would have to wait – he had a wedding and a sexy lady to get to.Once again Stephanie had to pull off of the road and be undignified and sick as a dog in a ditch. But she wasn’t about to let it get to her since she had a wedding to plan and a very emotional bride to keep calm. Add to that her sister’s own upcoming wedding and the craziness that was affectionately called her parents well, calming down a bride should be easy compared to the rest of her life. But she really should take the time to check in with her doctor, this flu just was not leaving anytime soon. Once at the estate, a single look at the man walking through the door had her running for the nearest bathroom – and trouble.Welcome to Caught Between an Oops and a Hard Body, an absolutely delightful romantic comedy with several stories threaded throughout the main romance.

We have Stephanie and Stone, who are opposites in the marriage game. A high strung television talk show host and her golf loving husband – a mom and dad determined to chase away potential mates who happen to be divorce lawyers – two weddings – straying wedding members – one sick wedding planner – one sexy brother of the bride – and an “oops” that isn’t the flu. I loved this story and these characters so much. And I can see where there might be a couple other stories down the line – it is a series, so I’m always thinking ahead.If you enjoy romantic comedy, if you don’t mind getting the giggles if reading in public, if your e-reader surface is cleanable from the sputtered drink that might just get spilled in a fit of laughter – then have I got a story for you. Need to feel good and laugh today? Then check out Caught Between an Oops and a Hard Body. And let the laughter begin.

Caught Between an Oops and a Hard BodyStephanie Goodwin may be a wedding planner, but that doesn’t mean she believes in love. The weddings she designs are meant to be a great first day, regardless of how long the marriage actually lasts. When her mother, intent on finding Steph a man at any cost, appears, timing couldn’t be any worse. With a less than a week to plan for the wedding of CNN anchor Liz to rockstar Roger, dealing with Liz’s dissenting TV marriage maven mom in tow, a stomach bug that Caught Between an Oops and a Hard BodyStephanie Goodwin may be a wedding planner, but that doesn’t mean she believes in love. The weddings she designs are meant to be a great first day, regardless of how long the marriage actually lasts. When her mother, intent on finding Steph a man at any cost, appears, timing couldn’t be any worse.

Oops I Go Hard To Go

With a less than a week to plan for the wedding of CNN anchor Liz to rockstar Roger, dealing with Liz’s dissenting TV marriage maven mom in tow, a stomach bug that just won’t go away, Steph doesn’t have time to add to her already overflowing plate.Stone Kincaid is a hot shot divorce lawyer and brother of the bride. Caught unaware of his sister’s upcoming nuptials, he’s called in to be the middleman between his sister and mother. He’s not happy about his younger sister’s decision to wed, and completely thrown when the woman in his dreams- the one night stand who still leaves him hot and bothered- is planning this fiasco of a wedding. Stone’s parents have been dealing with their own issues for years. At this point, they can’t even be in the same room anymore. What’s a man to do?The plot of this book is well done.

It reads like an uproariously funny Hallmark movie- a little on the predictable side, but still a great escape. There’s plenty of wit to go along with all the shenanigans. Though some characters can come across as a little flat, it doesn’t really affect the story.


Editing earns a passing grade with a B- enough errors to notice, but not terribly so. Cursing is kept at a minimum, and the few occurrences of the “f-word” are a set up to a smart conclusion.

Sexy scenes are well done, and leave enough to the imagination that I’d feel comfortable not only discussing it, but also handing this book to my grandma. This novel is more soapy than syrupy, which in my circle is high praise.

It certainly made its way to my “Highly Recommend List.” Caught Between series is a hit. I am definitely hooked.

Somebody tell me- when does the next book come out?I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. If you are in the mood for a romantic comedy, you may want to check out Caught Between an Oops and a Hard Body by Sheila Seabrook. This novel has several engaging subplots, in addition to the main love affair. The story centers around Stephanie Goodwin, a wedding planner, and Stone Kincaid, a divorce attorney. For various reasons, they are both commitment-phobes and do not believe in falling in love. However, the result of a one-night-stand filled with amazing passion and lust, may necessitate a ​​​​​If you are in the mood for a romantic comedy, you may want to check out Caught Between an Oops and a Hard Body by Sheila Seabrook.

Oops I Go Hard Lyrics

This novel has several engaging subplots, in addition to the main love affair. The story centers around Stephanie Goodwin, a wedding planner, and Stone Kincaid, a divorce attorney. For various reasons, they are both commitment-phobes and do not believe in falling in love.

However, the result of a one-night-stand filled with amazing passion and lust, may necessitate a change in their future plans. Additionally, Stephanie's parents as well as Stone's parents are dealing with their own relationship hiccups, while Liz, Stone's younger sister, is having second thoughts about marrying her level-headed rock-star in three days time. Whew, what a crazy few days on Serendipity Island!I liked this story and Ms. Seabrook does a great job of keeping all the excitement flowing. Stephanie and Stone have amazing chemistry, and there was never a moment I did not want them to be together. They are realistic characters and the author evolves their relationship with desire, caring and awareness. Stephanie's mother is a riot, as she happily slips herself into everyone's business without even blinking an eye.

While Stone's famous TV mother, has subtly down to a science. Both sets of parents truly love each other, but have a strange way of showing it.Overall, this is a fun read. The main characters are well-conceived, and their good qualities as well as their flaws kept the story entertaining and interesting. Stone was swoon-worthy from the very beginning, and endeared himself more and more as the story progressed. If you have some free time, you may want to head over to Serendipity Island and enjoy some sunshine, golf and parental happiness.Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

I received a free copy of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.Stone is a divorce lawyer, his mother is the star of a TV chat show and his little sister is marrying a rock star. When he returns home he finds that his sister's wedding planner is non-other than the beautiful woman he had a one-night stand with q few weeks ago.

Stephanie can't believe that her fantastic one-night stand is the bride's older brother. If only she didn't have food poisoning or the flu she would be I received a free copy of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.Stone is a divorce lawyer, his mother is the star of a TV chat show and his little sister is marrying a rock star. When he returns home he finds that his sister's wedding planner is non-other than the beautiful woman he had a one-night stand with q few weeks ago. Stephanie can't believe that her fantastic one-night stand is the bride's older brother.

If only she didn't have food poisoning or the flu she would be able to resist the lust she feels every time she sees him.Whilst this is Stone and Stephanie's story there are plenty of side stories: Stone's parents are always fighting and rarely step foot on the same ground if they can avoid it; does Stone's sister really want to marry her rock star or does she have her eye on someone else? And what about Stone's recently divorced sister - is it time for her to find someone new?Stephanie's mother is a force of nature who is determined to see her daughter married, at any cost. Stone's mother thinks marriage is a con and will do anything in her power to stop her children getting married.What could go wrong?I liked this book, it was fun and light-hearted, Stephanie's mother was a bit OTT but mainly she stayed on the bearable side of the line.I am intrigued to see what is next in this series. Sheila Seabrook writes love stories with heart and humor from her home on the beautiful Canadian prairies. Her romantic books are filled with smart, sassy women, hot men who love them, and a wild assortment of family members guaranteed to try to steal the show.When Sheila's not writing, she can usually be found in her favorite chair doing research (code for reading romance books) or devising Sheila Seabrook writes love stories with heart and humor from her home on the beautiful Canadian prairies. Her romantic books are filled with smart, sassy women, hot men who love them, and a wild assortment of family members guaranteed to try to steal the show.When Sheila's not writing, she can usually be found in her favorite chair doing research (code for reading romance books) or devising multiple excuses to avoid cooking, laundry, housework, and shoveling the snow.

She does, however, love to shop for flowers in the spring, and spends copious hours digging in the dirt to plant themalthough her marriage contract clearly stipulates that the man of the house must pull the weeds.Her mission in life is to give readers emotional romantic stories and unforgettable characters, a relaxing treat for the end of the day. And if she can help them escape the laundry pile, she's totally on board.Find out more about Sheila at sheilaseabrook.com and make sure to join her monthly newsletter to receive exclusive updates, free short stories, and more!Chat with Sheila on twitter at and on Facebook at. Or drop her an email at sheilaATsheilaseabrook.com.