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  2. Carmageddon Tdr 2000 Win 7 Patch 1

Killer on the road.and are now available, DRM-free on With them comes a pileup of high-octane offers so let's get right on them.48h GIVEAWAY: Get Carmageddon TDR 2000 completely FREE until January 20, 2PM UTC. Claim it through the front page banner. No catch, no clutch!NOTE: Giveaway has now ended.Discounts: Max Damage 50% off until January 25, 2PM when bought individually or 75% off when you complete your including all four games in the series.

Once the giveaway expires, TDR 2000 will also be 50% off.Drive straight into the ultimate road carnage! Race the time as you turn pedestrians and drivers into gooey roadkill with your highly customizable vehicle and use all manner of silly power-ups to unleash mayhem in the most creative way possible. Make up your own brutal style as every game mode, car, environment, pedestrian type or enemy driver adds their own flavor into this bubbling cauldron of human members, bent metal, and unapologetic fun. MIK0: When you create a crowdfunding campaign you have a duty to fullfill rewards, rewards that exist to make people fund your project. It's not optional. You also have to properly communicate with your backer.Unfortunately all we got was an half backed game and a bad example of game developement and unethical behavior. Issue on a project happens but that's not an excuse to neglect your backers.Now, on the specific issue, a drm-free version of a game shouldn't be something that take so much time to produce and deliver.

They got the money to do that.Keeping the backers informed is not something optional and clearly cannot take too much time. Backers were left without proper response for years.

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Epitaph666: First thing first. What do you mean by 'all we got was a half backed game'? Wasn't this game backed successfully on Kickstarter and then it got some additional funding from Paypal? So it was fully backed. Even if you go now at the KS page you'll see it was fully backed.Secondly, 'Bad example of game development'?

Where does that derive from? Maybe you wanted to say 'Badly executed Kickstarter'?

Cause i don't see how bad was the game's development? I mean did you notice any weird crashes? Cause at my Low-Mid end PC it plays just fine.A DRM-Free version of the game does not necessarily take too much time to produce, but each update (and C:R / M:D got loads of updates, especially C:R). Stainless is not a big developer and not even a rich one at that. So everyone has to allocate their resources so they won't fallout financially.As for the Kickstarter promises, you might remember that this game was planned for February 2013, for a reason. The reason was that the whole game would have much uglier graphics (shaders) and they had a plan that was 'release one map and car, test, fix, iterate, release more'. That plan changed initially and it was 'release a big chunk of maps and cars and test, iterate etc'.

They also got another 3million backing from Les Edgars to develop the game for consoles.So in short: the game got 625.000$ from KS and it's what showed the publishers that people want this game and gave the devs money to start creating it. Then then it also got a 3.000.000$ backing so they could bring it to consoles? They took that money from Les Edgars, polished the game, made it more beautiful and added a few maps.We first got the game on PC (C:R) and then it was released on consoles (C:MD) and a few months later on Steam. Do you think it should have been released in Feb 2013 as a game with very bad graphics? Compared to some other Kickstarter projects, game is inefficient. Joanofark06: I have Windows 7 Pro.

Carmageddon tdr 2000 win 7 patch reviews

And I'm sorry, I guess I'm not computer literate, when I say, I have no idea, of what your saying.' Advanced settings are in the start menu shortcut '? (Where's the start menu in the game??) And ' Microsoft direct3d hardware acceleration through direct 3d HAL'??I'm still lost.I understand that your workaround worked for YOUR errors.but I don't even know if they'd work for my problems, even I knew what you were saying. You have to set these things out of the game in windows 7, think it should be similar like win xp, i only had xp and win 10 anyway.

Now click the start in the bottom left corner with your mouse, go to all programs,, carmageddon tdr 2000, then choose tools and there are the advance settings for this game. Just try folowing the instructions i posted on both posts. Bigs: Freeplay is unlocked once you've done the tutorial. 1st time you race (is there a skip tutorial? Can't remember) yeah there is, and you don't even have to play through. Just start the game, quit tutorial, abort race, and everything should be open.Also, unrelated, I just noticed something REALLY cool.

In previous Carma games, regardless if you were Max or Anna, whoever's car you were using graphically had the owner of that car driving. They finally fixed that, so now if you are Anna, and you choose ED's car, you actually see Anna driving it. Very nice touch. MIK0:. Me too but still is really low from them to release the game with a discount, making the ks reward even less relevant.

For instance I could have bought the game for 5$. I feel for you, but the discount is to get new sales; they got (and spent) the backers' money years ago, and skimming through their updates, those wanting a DRM-free, Linux and MacOS build seem to never matter much to Stainless Games, let alone be a priority of any sort. And going over the timeline of how things developed, they changed priorities not long after getting funded. Did they ever commit to a date for the DRM-free, Linux and MacOS releases after they decided to expand the scope of the game? Epitaph666:. Stainless is not a big developer and not even a rich one at that. So everyone has to allocate their resources so they won't fallout financially.They also got another 3million backing from Les Edgars to develop the game for consoles.We first got the game on PC (C:R) and then it was released on consoles (C:MD) and a few months later on Steam.

Carmageddon Tdr 2000 Win 7 Patch 1

The announcement of Les Edgar funding a console release was in late March 2013, which means that they were in talks quite some time before that date, which in turn at least indicates that the late December 2012 announcement of the game's scope being expanded is related to the deal with Les Edgar. Les Edgar who's an investor, i.e.