TeamSpeak is flexible, powerful, scalable software which enables people to speak with one another over the Internet. TeamSpeak consists of both client and server software.

The server acts as a host to multiple client connections, capable of handling literally thousands of simultaneous users. Address book for easier management of multiple TeamSpeak servers. Create multiple channels and sub-channels for your users. Moderate channels for more control when hosting large group meetings.

Whisper functions so you can speak privately to inidividuals, groups of persons, or users in other channelsThis is the 64-bit version of the client.

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Requirements.Windows XP or higher.NET Framework 4 or higherInstallation.Just click you through the Setup or extract the'Console' folder in any directory you like.Make sure the windows service 'TeamSpeak 3 Bot' isrunning, if you choosed the Setup variantConfiguration.Open the Configuration in the'Configuration' folder, which is in the Installation folder(default is ' C:ProgramFilesDirk SarodnickTeamSpeak 3BotConfiguration').Copy one of the example Configurations.Open it for editing, so that we can get your Botworking.Search for the -Node in which you canconfigure your Connection. The IP or Hostname of your server (default: localhost) - The instance ID of your virtual TeamSpeak server(default: 1) - The query port configured in TeamSpeak configuration(default: 10011) - username of the ServerQuery user, that the bot willrepresentate - password for that ServerQuery user - A list of -Nodes, were you define theGuest groups, which will filter some logical things.Then just search for the first -Node inyour Configuration and set the value to 'true' instead of 'false'.More details are described in the Configuration itself. Only onenote: You can alway remove unused Elements to clean your configuration.This will deactivate the removed features without an error.Now your bot is configured and will automatically try toconnect to your TeamSpeak server. The bot will not be visible for you asa normal connecting user, so don't panic. Just type!help into theglobal chat and the bot should answer you with a private message. Lookinto the Troubleshooting section if anything goes wrong here.Make sure you add the IP on which the Bot is running intoyour 'queryipwhitelist.txt' file of your TeamSpeak server.

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Otherwisethe Bot will be banned after a few seconds from the antispammechanism.TroubleshootingThe Bot is a service, so you don't see a black consolewith some debug or error information. Of course, there is a log! Becausewe are in the windows world, the bot is logging into the windows eventlog. You find this under your 'Control Panel' 'Administrative Tools' 'Event Viewer'. Just look into the 'Application Log' (in Windows 7/Windows 2008 under 'Windows Protocols' 'Application') and there youfind a lot of information. The Bot logs with the Source 'TS3-Bot' forwhich you can filter.

In most cases there are connection problems orcorrupt configurations, which you can identify here.It's also possible to start the bot with the console-app'TS3-Bot.Console.exe'. Here are all errors additionally visible in thepretty black window.Do not hesitate to contact me, if you can't get it towork.

Just email me, but don't forget to add some details and all recentlog entries from the TS3-Bot.ContactDirk SarodnickCopyrightThis program is free for use, but please notify me if youfound a bug or if you have some suggestion. The author of this programis not responsible for any damage or data loss. It is not allowed tosell this program for money, it has to be free to get. It is also notallowed to use my source code and publish that with your name. Pleaseask me for a permission first if you want to publish something whichcontains parts of my source code.Teamspeak 3 is developed by TeamSpeak SystemsGmbH, Sales & Licensing by Triton CI & Associates, Inc.

Moreinformations about Teamspeak 3.