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  1. Borderlands 2 Cracked Golden Keys

This guide won't be updated anymore with me actually seeking out info. Regardless, if anyone comments on something they found and want it added I will likely do that still. Too much has changed with all the DLCs and newer tiers that came out eventually.

Not to mention we are TWO games removed from BL2 now, although TPS doesn't really count, and that Epic exclusive stuff keeps us playing this for now.lolWeapon Parts Charts (images). Use these to find the best combination of parts for each GUN type and their impact on your weapons. It's not just about the weapon color, or the weapon level! It's about the barrel, scope, grip, body, and special accessories from each manufacturer as well to build your ultimate gun.

Having the weapon parts all from one manufacturer offers additional bonuses.For example: On an Assault Rifle the Vladof stock increases Recoil Recovery, but at the same time it has the negative of increased recoil in general so certain parts may have a tradeoff. Sometimes it does nothing at all in the case of a Bandit Stock, which will have no effect on the overall gun stats, or mechanics. Bandit in general sucks. NOTE: While we have gotten some helpful images and links for Shield stats, we can always use more right!? So I will leave this section here for now. If anyone has information about shield parts that I can add to the guide please let me know in the comments.

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Videos, and/or images are preferred so they can be added directly to the guide. Many have asked for it, but I have yet to find anything easy to read and use for it. I will give you full credit for recommending it, and of course the original creator(s) if it wasn't you.

Thanks for any help!:D.NEW. Doesn't look like there are any proper SMG charts around with the stocks listed on them, BUT the user loomynartylenny provided some SMG STOCK info they found found in this video ( ) from channel 'Admiral Bahroo' on Youtube, which made similar videos for all the other weapons too! The text is listed below the image chart in the SMG section now. Thanks!:D.NEW. Originally posted by threePwny: Feb 13 @ 12:27pmSo I got a new, hopefully more accurate and useful chart imgur.comWhile I probably could make 9 charts with exact values for each shield type, I figured it was easier to go the route of ranking the bonuses by factors of the base increment.

So, for example, Bandit has the smallest capacity bonus, so its rank is 1. Pangolin's capacity bonus is 8 times larger, so its rank is 8. Vladof has the same number as Bandit, but as a penalty, so its rank is -1.

And so on, and so on.I also decided to keep bonuses green and penalties red, because I think it's more readable than trying to color code by magnitude, especially since each stats' ranks range from -8 to 8, and I don't want to pick out 16 colors. Previous SHIELD CHART.still in guide. (Note: @threePwny's chart above is likely more useful, but leaving this all in until i can get more time to fix everything and you guys give me some more feedback) we got this earlier recommendation for a shield chart from Joey Bouncer in the comments.Also, posted earlier, which I never got around to posting in the guide either (oops), is a Reddit chart about Shields and and general sttats that Meruzmi told me about as well.Thanks to you all for all of us! Cheers!These shield charts provide images of each part for each manufacturer and how they upgrade, or in some cases downgrade the weapon stats and mechanics. It allows you to see what manufacturers give you the best bonuses for your playstyle. ThreePwny's are more updated and accurate though it appears thus far.

Let me know what you guys think works best!VLADOF RULES!All gun chart images and content created by Zikel from Reddit. You can thank him for this awesome contribution to the Borderlands 2 community, and other contributors in the thread here:Note: If anyone else deserves to be mentioned as a source here let me know and I will add them.:). Click image and then click the url in the url bar for maximum image size and quality if you have trouble reading at the current size. Due to image quality and size it had to be scaled down a bit to fit into Steam's 2MB and under image requirements.NEW. Doesn't look like there are ANY proper SMG charts around with the stocks listed properly on them, BUT the user loomynartylenny provided the proper info and it is listed below the image chart for this section. Thanks!:DI did however find a Gearbox forum post that tested stocks for all guns here:Combined with this 'Stock attributes and when they matter' thread:Thanks to Steam user: loomynartylenny for finding the SMG Stocks info below.

It was found in the video ( ) from channel 'Admiral Bahroo' made for BL2 Weapon Parts! You can find the rest of his parts videos as well as some other mechanics vids for BL2 in this playlist:Note that if you turn on annotations in his parts videos that it will show you the Prefixes for each brand for each accessory. The accessory is what gives the prefix for each gun obviously, so if you memorize these you won't even need to look at the accessory part to know which one it is. The most obvious ones are the blade on the gun that gives +50% melee damage with prefixes like Cutting, Bladed, etc.;)SMG STOCKS INFO:DAHL+ massive recoil reduction+ increases Dahl SMG bullet burst count (+1 bullet/burst, only for Dahl SMGs)- slight accuracy decreaseHYPERION+ accuracy+ recoil reduction+ recoil reduction on first shot/accuracy recovery (Hyperion SMGs only)BANDIT= Magikarp (ie.

Nothing)TEDIORE+ Slight recoil reduction- Slight accuracy reductionMALIWAN+ slight increase in accuracy. Some sort of info about shields! Thanks to JoeyBouncer in the comments for linking to this image. Much appreciated! Also, thank you to the uploader at imgur.com.

If anyone knows the original source, or MORE shield images we can use for stats let me know!:)Meruzmi has also linked us to a Reddit chart as well that has general shileld stat info based on Manufacturer. You can find that, or below this chart.This stuff can be found in the Borderlands Wiki too. borderlands.wikia.com and the borderlands.wikia.com. Image quality is a tad better tahan this chart, but it isn't one whole image to copy to here so you'll ahe to go tere to see it, but that kind of defeats the purpose of using the overalay on Steam and the guides right?;). The Creator(s) of These ImagesThese images are thanks to Zikel and possibly other users from Reddit and the use of Infographic. There may be a slight mix of images from the web from another source, but I am unaware if they are. The origin of this project (I almost positive that this is the original source anyways) started here in this Reddit thread by the author Zikel who gives us these great resources for even MORE things to look for while weapon hunting.Please let me know if someone else deserves credit for some of these images.

I tried to find every source for them and it always went back to Reddit! I definitely did not create these images myself so if you use Reddit tell Zikel how awesome his work is!:)Thanks Zikel and everyone else involved at Reddit! If you have any issues with me creating this guide let me know. Awesome SHiFT Codes GuideI also recommend this great guide from FierstArter 3.0 as a favorite to keep up to date with the newest and Active SHIFT codes to pump up your stock of Golden Keys and get a bunch of free purples from the gold chest in Santuary. I acquired aproximately 100 Golden Keys from the current list alone, and it is updated regularly with new Codes whenever they are released. So keep track of the comments there for new codes every few days. That is unless you want to follow Gearbox on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Instead and find them all yourself.:PThere is a pinned topic with the same info from the same author on the forums as well. Be aware that many of the SHiFT Codes that get released such as those from Randy of Gearbox on places like Twitter and Facebook have a limited shelf life.

Typically these will only be available for aproximately 48 hours in my experience. It is best to check every couple of days to see if new codes are released and still active. Since this is a community project we all rely on one another to confirm if codes have expired in either the guide, or the forum topic. Don't be shy if you notice an expired code, or find one yourself. POst in the topic if you notice, or want to confirm what someone else has posted.:).

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Borderlands 2 Cracked Golden Keys

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The game never even talks to 'real' Steam once you've replaced steamapi.dll. The DLL is intercepting the calls the game makes to Steam, and provides appropriate responses to make it think it's talking with 'real' Steam. This is extremely oversimplified, but it's the basic concept.The worst that will happen is if you forget to install the steamapi.dll, the game will open Steam and take you to the store page to buy it. This doesn't really matter, because the same thing would happen if someone who owned the game logged in on your computer, downloaded the game on their account, logged out, then you tried to play it after logging in with your account. It's not all that uncommon for people sharing a computer to have multiple steam accounts with different games on them, so it's not something Valve looks or bans for.