
Hello, I'm new here.I know there was a project for translating Viper RSR, and that it has died a few times. I'm not sure if it produced anything. I did read that most of the game was translated, but that the WIN file format needed to be reverse-engineered.

I don't know what the status of that is. I've seen a bunch of tools in some threads, but I don't know if any of them can be used to update a WIN yet.

So.I've been writing code for handling SGS formats for a while. Every year or so I get the urge to take a look at what I've written, and see if I can add more to it. Usually with the goal of writing some sort of WIN+ANM to GIF converter. Don't know if one exists.


At any rate, this time I was distracted and wrote a script to export all the dialog from each.WIN in a.DAT. And then another to update a.DAT with translations.

So.There you go, a patch. It really only translates the various H-scenes, and a few other lines. It's also missing Diablo's lines in that one scene. His language escapes me. Drop it in you RSR directory and run the batch file, which'll backup your existing SGS.DAT before patching. It's for the DVD edition, I don't have any other.

I'm guessing most have it too, given the extra scenes I hear it has compared to older versions. Some translation is mine, some from other members of the forum, I don't remember whose is what. It's really more a proof of concept to show that the WIN files can be updated. Excuse what is translated by me, I switched majors to Computer Science from Japanese Language & Literature because I was failing.I'm also attaching a.csv (renamed to.txt) with all the unique strings, and what I have for translations.It'd be great if this is all that was holding the project back.

Viper Rsr English Patch

If I could figure out all the graphics commands, I could make this happen. I'm able to partially decode the WIN, already known how to decode the ANMs, and know how to construct a GIF.

Unfortunately missing key peices of knowing exactly what ANM frame to show when and where to make it work.Perhaps we could combine forces and get my compiler/decompiler suite finished and released to the masses. If you're interested, read through, and then see if you can use OllyDbg and help me figure out exactly what some of these opcodes actually do (I know what some of them do, but not why they're different than another opcode that may do practiacally the same thing, or know what some arguments do but not others.) This offer to help is open to anyone with sufficient coding background (being able to follow x86 assembly code is a must.)See attached for my compiler/decompiler's operations table. Well, you've definitely done much more work in actually deciphering the opcodes.

I really only got a little beyond disassembling the interpreter loop so I could parse the instructions and identify jump targets.Right off, however, I can identify opcode 76 for you. I'm pretty confident it pops up a dialog for the player to enter their name, as in Typing, when printing text the character $ is replaced with it. The name is of course stored in the registry as Name.Edit 1: And I believe the first argument of opcode 3E is the register the index of the selected choice is stored in. Same with its i18n version, opcode 69.Edit 2: And I believe the first argument of opcode 17 is the index of the layer to be scrolled, like you seem to already have deduced but still marked as unsure. Side note, I've been thinking of them as layers, probably because of Flash. Here's something - thanks mostly to 黒い灯影's archive above plus a fresh playthrough of the game, I've sorted all the text and translations I'd collected from this forum into a spreadsheet, and threw in some stage directions for extra context.

Not all that useful for re-inserting back into the game, but handy to just read through to get the story. Also for getting a sense of how much is left to translate.Where there were multiple translations for the same scene available, I picked the one that was more polished. I also contributed a bit of polish of my own, and even added a few easy translations ('Hello', 'Thank you', 'Let's go', etc. Is about all I can handle).

I also consolidated different people's translations of 'Seiki' and 'Majuu' into.' Seiki' and 'Majuu' for now. I'm not sure if we settled on a consistent translation for those terms, so they're placeholders to not get mixed up with mentions of more generic 'knights' or 'monsters'.Also included are rows for lines that don't have subtitles. Thankfully, most of those were surprisingly easy to translate by ear. The one instance of this I hope someone else can listen to and translate is what Veloce says to Cala during their battle just before he defeats her.Hope this helps the overall translation efforts somehow.

Code: なにこいつ、魔法が効かない?!どうした?威勢のいいのは口だけか?こんなレベルの低い魔法しか使えない小娘にやられるとはな。部下の教育をやりなおさなければいかんな。Nanikoitsu, mahout ga kikanai?!Doushita? Isei no ii no ha (wa) kuchi dake ka?Konna reberu (level) no hikui mahoushika tsukaenai komusume ni yarareru to ha (wa) na.Buka no kyouiku wo (o) yarinaosanakerebaikanna.I assume that you want to be able to say these phrases yourself,so I put in parentheses the words that had different pronunciation that the spelling (characters).So if used as a subject indicator, “ha” is actually pronounced as “wa”. And if used as an object indicator, “wo” is pronounced as “o”.Ganbatte! I would support any major language translation if it's renderable in the SGS font map. (This may eliminate languages like Chinese and Korean.) French is certainly a major language. I suspect that once we have games fully translated to English, other languages would quickly follow. (Hyperguy, at one time in the past, said he'd help with Spanish.)Keep in mind all speech would remain Japanese.

Viper Rsr English Patch 3

We could replace the sampled text with English or any other language if we had actors and actresses to voice the parts, but that would be difficult. Getting hyped at the progress on RSR. I've been reading through the new file.

Viper Rsr English Patch Download

My favorite parts are the earlier Maranello conversations and the full context they provide for how much of a scumbag he is.It could use some copyediting on top of wrapping up the translations though. Like Cala's name being 'Carla' sometimes, along with common English typos. When you post the 100% file (which won't be much longer now, I assume), I'll go over it and correct things like that so it's nice and clean for putting back into the game.