Question about Ebay FE:I have completed an upload to ebay using the template provided by Ebay. All was well (just very basic looking).Now I would like to add HTML to all of my listings.and do this one time in my csv file.How?I am using Microsoft Access and Excel to create my file. I want to add HTML in my description field but I am not sure where to enter the HTML.I have tried to enter the HTML in my 'Description' Field in Excel.but I'm not sure this is going to work.I am also not sure if I need to create my own template? (Never created my own template before).Is there a way to have my file work with a template that I have created in Front Page?Please.any help with this.Thank You!!! In File Exchange, you upload the completed HTML description for each item, not the template. You use your HTML template within Access to create your completed description for each item either manually or by scripting.


For example, my HTML template is the same for all of my listings. I just have FileMaker Pro insert the correct information into the template for each item using a some substitution scripts, then upload the completed descriptions. You can do the same in Access.Front Page adds a ton of extra HTML that is not necessary, better to just use Notepad instead to create your template. Also, be sure to close all your tags, and leave no spaces between tags, as this creates issues with how the HTML will look on eBay.

This is only an issue when uploading, not when using the normal listing page on eBay. Thanks for the help.How do I enter the HTML template in access?I currently have a query that runs and collects all the information needed for my csv. I copy and paste after running the query and bring it into Excel where I save it as a csv file.This current file contains NO html. So I started to put HTML in the 'description field' in access.but it does not work when I do this.So maybe I'm not doing the whole template thing correctly.Again, thx for any help!!! I've been working on this for some time now. So I started to put HTML in the 'description field' in accessYour HTML field in Microsoft Access needs to be a 'Memo' field. How do I enter the HTML template in access?You are better off pasting the raw HTML code in a Memo field in Microsoft Access.

Trying to write a template inside Microsoft Access with fields is very time consuming. You can do it, but its kind of a mess. For example, you have to convert every quote in HTML code to chr$(34) since a quote is usually the indicator for the start or end of a string.

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If you process files through Excel and save them as CSV or Tab files, you can use fairly complex HTML. Excel 'knows' how to handle quotes and other 'special' characters before the final save.

What you CAN'T use are new-line or new-paragraph markers within the HTML text that you paste into the Excel cell. If you're using an HTML editor, or Word and many other applications for raw HTML code, you may first have to do a search and replace for new-line and/or new-graph markers that the program adds invisibly. For similar reasons, descriptions you download from listings - through TurboLister for instance - may also be difficult to handle in Excel, and should be left out or handled separately prior to export/import. Note: I'm using an older version of Excel.

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For all I know, the new version may handle this issue better. Hi all,Just for the record, we use Access to create all our listings with fairly complex html, and it works fine for us.If anyone attempts to do this, here's how we have done it, in a very basic nutshell: We've split the html file into 'chunks' with a break everywhere we need to insert a piece of custom information (like a title, description, payment terms, etc) and we put each of those html chunks into a table in Access. Then, we have a separate table with the custom information like title and description, etc, and a function that merges the custom information with the html chunks to create one big memo field with the full description html. The last step we take is to replace all the inadvertent characters in there that tend to cause the parsing problems, like fancy quotes, line breaks, etc.Voila - it's uploaded and good to go. No problems once we got things figured out. Take a look at our html and you'll see it's certainly nothing simple or plain.Good luck to all - and don't give up too soon.!Mendshed.

I like more control over the internal elements of the description - different item details noted in inventory - and I like Word's merge capabilities, and for writing VBA macros. So I use Excel for inventory and upload, but Word to create the description html (also to create titles that can be checked via macro for number of characters).You do have to be careful though about paragraph and new line characters - either globally replace them or just not use them - and you have to be sure 'smart' quotes are turned off if you do the composition in Word.