We are an IT firm who commonly deploy servers and workstations in an unconfigured state so we can have senior techs work on them remotely. The problem is that TV will randomly change its ID following configuration changes. It's extremely annoying and counterintuituve given the nature of this product as a support tool for IT professionals. As an example, tonight I remotely connected to a new installation of Server 2016 Standard. I installed the Windows Server Backup and Bitlocker roles, and then rebooted. When the server came back up, it had a completely different TV ID. Fortunately, I had another machine to connect to, and thankfully had the foresight to turn on RDP and open local firewall ports so I could determine the new ID.

  1. Patch Gruppe Sad Team Programs 2017
  2. 7th Special Forces Group

Does anyone have similar experience and know of a way to prevent the code from changing? Hi jdgabriel,Thanks for your post and welcome to the Community!Sorry you are having trouble with TeamViewer ID's changing after you make your configuration changes on the remote workstations.If you have a TeamViewer license, you can submit the log files from the affected machines to your local TeamViewer Support team so they can determine why the ID's keep changing.Check out this link to find the log filesThen click this link to submit the log files in a ticket to your Support teamPlease post an update if Support is able to provide you with a solution!All the best,Jonathan. We worked with TeamViewer support on this for weeks and they could not provide a solution. Even worse, we are now having problems where it will hang on install and update. We now have several computers where the Teamviewer service uninstalled itself. We have to RDP over VPN to reinstall and the switching ID's problem still exists after reinstall.

Pretty sickening, we have a 5 channel corporate license and they cannot dedicate more resources to fix this problem. It is apparent that several people are having the same exact issue.Teamviewer tried to tell us it was a cloning issue, which we don't clone our HDD's. We use windows imaging.

We have suffered the 'randomly changing TV ID' issue with TeamViewer 12 and, yes, it was always on a Server 2012 R2 system, sometimes on a Hyper-V VM and sometimes on a physical machine.We have also noticed some installations where TeamViewer will not connect to the TV mothership until somebody logs into in the Windows desktop. Probably an issue for different thread.We contacted TeamViewer support and we were told never to install TeamViewer over an RDP connection because it often 'doesn't work right'. Something about fast-user-switching.So, now I'm dialing in with HP iLO to uninstall and reinstall TeamViewer 12 on the affected servers. This is only possible if iLO is licensed.I have not determined whether applying our TeamViewer corporate license to the host installation will stop the ID from changing. So many questions - so few answers. I'm hoping the reinstall will solve all three issues. I don't have an answer, but I do have a workaround.

I use DWService as a backup. It doesn't do a lot, but it allows me to access an inaccessible server or workstation. It doesn't allow for dual screens but at least I can get in to do my job and get the current ID displayed. I've noticed that once I get in and reboot the server, the ID comes back. But for reasons unknown, the server ID will change and access is mute.

Patch Gruppe Sad Team Programs 2017

I also use Dameware as another alternative when all else fails. I run it on a workstaton, logged in as an administrator, use it to remote in to again.get the id and do my job. There is no random issue. Another thing that I notice is that the ID chance usually bounces between two ID's. As another work around, I create 2 ID's for the servers in question so that I can access them regardless of the change. One of them goes off line and the other ID kicks in. But it's usually just two different ID's set.

Again, after a reboot, the original ID comes back. I keep having this issue A LOT recently. More common than ever. Used to happen once a year, but now its happening every week.I deal with hundreds of devices on a daily basis, sometimes send out 10 machines to a single site and restart them several times before they arrive at their final destination.

Dealing with custom built and managed Digital Signage device endpoints. We've been doing this for nearly 10 years and using TeamViewer for almost half of that time.

Never had this many issues until this year. This past month really.I use a custom image of a single device on the same/similar hardware time after time after time.

I always rename the computer to its hardware serial number before it hits the WAN and I attach/associate the device to my account so that the ID will always be different.and avoid the 'cloning' issues some experience. This is what support had to say about my issue:I have analyzed your log files and did see a switching ID problem. This can be caused by some factors including multiple NIC cards on the machine that produce multiple IP addresses. When constantly switching between different NICs, it could make TeamViewer to switch the ID.From the logs you sent, only the machine where the logs was in the folder named folder-name-redacted, presented the switching ID issue. Looking at the logs, the machine now has a stable ID, but it did switch from the original ID that was set in your office before it was shipped. Like I said, that is caused by the multiple NICs but after it restarts the machine it gets locked to a new ID with our servers, since our servers are constantly looking for this issue and setting a new stable ID for the machine.After the fix is applied by our servers, the ID will not change again.

In some rare cases where our servers fix doesn't work, and you notice the same machine changing the ID every few days or reboots, just need to provide the logs to our Support Team via ticket, and we can create a manual fix for the issue.Thank you in advance and please feel free to contact us again with any further questions you may have.What does that even mean? 'A fix applied by our servers'. I feel that the overall problem is really a conflict of business model from what it once was to the present day needs of individuals using the product.Team Viewer was not designed for 'static access' to machines per se. It's original intent appears as though it was geared towards instant support/remote access to someone on the other end of the machine that is in need of assistance.

That is why they dynamicallly generate the ID's for the computers, passwords, etc.This is a big problem. LogMeIn doesn't do this. DWService doesn't do this. NO remote service on the planet is this unreliable. I feel that Team Viewer needs to get their act together and realize what is going on and resolve this issue for their customer base, or I fear they will begin to slowly dwindle off and die.We have completely quit relying on this thousands of dollars service we've purchased in favor of a free one that is reliable and won't.bleep.

7th Special Forces Group

the bed the night before we need it to work.If they would just implement a fix to the latest version that STOPS an ID from changing once it has been assigned to a machine. WHY on earth would someone WANT an ID to change? The only use case scenario I can imagine is duplicate ID prevention. Once Teamviewer is installed, the ID isn't suppose to change. The password does, but not the ID. It's suppose to be associated with the machine in which it was installed and usually doesn't disjoin unless you completely uninstall it. I have a Windows server 2003 on which this happened.

I hope my other clients with windows 2008 and 2012 don't experience this as it would be detrimental to my busienss. I have notiece that when installing via a computer with terminal services role loaded, the ID's go nuts.

As I've mentioned prior, I use DWService and Chromedesktop as backups. The only problem is these programs can't accommodate dual monitor setups. Logmein was program I used but was too expensive. But with the current issues with Teamviewer, I'm looking elsewhere as it has become very unreliable. I also got a request for a 'subscription' based service that I believe they may be gearing toward.

Right now I am a single tech, and use only one account, but it's difficult as I have a notebook for travel, so that's one license, a main computer, that's a second license, and I haven't decided where to apply the third. I have a cell phone, and a spare office computer so I'd have to purchase 2 licenses to cover up to 6 machines.

It would be nice if I could get a license per email account. This way I can use it on any machine as it would be registered and licensed to the Email account and not per machine. This ID change started with Version 12. So there must be something in the install that causes this issue. Then why do you have under the options to launch with windows, and access this machine remotely? If the ID keeps changing for us tech's who need to access systems across the globe, what good is your product if we can not rely on it to maintain it's ID? Whether or not, this softwares INTENT was for remote access.

Why do you think we bother? For the money, you offer file transfer on the fly with drag and drop, collabration with other techs, and tech support for customers, and remote printing.

You offer IT Brain, and inventory control. If the ID changes, so does the inventory as that machine is now no longer part of the group we setup to monitor. And if my boss wonders why I can't connect to a client in another state due to this ID change thing, how do you think we're going to rate your product? Hi there,Thank you all for your posts in this thread.I would like to step in and explain, what’s going on: It looks like we are talking about two different topics in this thread:.

Switching ID: This can be caused by certain factors including multiple NIC cards on the machine that produce multiple IP addresses. For our customers: we can generate a fix so that the ID will not change again. Please for assistance (only for license holders). For all free users: Please save both IDs in your Computers & contacts list to guarantee that you always can connect to your devices. Recent change of ID: Some users reported that some IDs no longer exist. We checked this tendency internally and there seems to have been an issue with the recycling process of old and unused TeamViewer IDs.

We found the cause of the problem and can reassure, that this will not happen anymore as it was a one-time incident. After restarting the TeamViewer service on the affected devices, a new ID will be assigned to the device. Please replace the new IDs in your Computers & Contacts list and you can continue to connect to your devices as usual. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.Thank you for your understanding.All the best,Esther.

If you are the sole tech, try bundling with DWSERVICE.NET. I find by doing that from the start, I have two ways to connect via remote.

It's a bit harder via a cell phone as you can't do dual monitors via the cell phone app, but for me, I find it just as useful as Teamviewer. The changing of the ID is frustrating when you set up for remote and the whole purpose of remote is to save a trip to the clients. The current subscription rate for version 13 is monthly as opposed to version 12 and later which was version specific, meaning you pay by version, not by month.

12 was the last version. I don't know if you can pay for a version like 12 and just run that on all clients. For servers, I bundle. I can always snake my way from the server out.


The problem still exists in November 2018.We have signage-systems as well and a part of them is installed 'in the wall'. No chance for putting keyboard or mouse in. They are in severeal countries and we can not fly around to fix them manually.After one and a half month dealing with the support (and getting very stupid nswers), i reached this state:Yes, TeamViewer-documentation says: ID will be given once and will never change.And Support says additionally: TeamViewer-IDs can change (at some 'circumstances').WHAT?

Will never change but will change???After clearing all technical 'no goes' and 'data protection' issues, the support says: we have no time for you and we wil not help you.Since 2008 i did spent around 10.000,- € for TeamViewer (Corporate 3 Channels).But get no help.Teamviewer is buggy and has a very big design-problem in his software.No use at all.You will go on loosing IDs and will never get them back.That is the sad trueth about teamvievers 'unattended access'. Hi,yes, the ID can vary as some elements (physical and otherwise) of the hardware infrastructure vary. In most cases these elements are static; in other cases they vary. In some cases they vary for legitimate reasons, in others for totally illicit reasons.

You can search in Google to understand these aspects by yourself.What the community may be able to help you find is a way to periodically reevaluate the exact ID associated with your device.I imagine that each device is known to you also for another univocal coding for you; TeamViewer, via command line, allows you to determine the ID currently associated with the device. With a little programming activity you can create a mechanism that alerts you when this element changes.If the solution can be of interest to you and more information can be useful to you, let me know.A curiosity: did you talk about severeal countries or several countries?Regards. Hi,let´s start at the beginning.Please take a close look to the TeamViewer Manual.See chapter 2See chapter 2.1: How TeamViewer works'The first time TeamViewer is started, this ID is generated automatically based on hardware characteristics and will not change later on.' In germany we call this a 'contributed product attribute'.That makes sense, because an ID (!!!) NEVER changes.Or did you got last week a call from Drivers and Vehicles Licencing Authority who says, 'Oh - see - we changed the ID of your drivers license. Please come here to search your new ID by yourself. And NO, we can´t tell you your new ID by phone or by asking personally.

This is because of protection of data privacy. You have to come here and search by yourself.' So - why are you - and the TeamViewer-Support - try to tell me, 'IDs can change'.If they change, then TeamViewer IS buggy!!!!!!Please first explain me that.And sure i meant countries (i´m german and i´m very very unhappy about this BUG in TEAM-VIEWER - so maybe there are some mistakes in my text).And as i sayed: the players (PCs) have been walled (bricked / putten inside the wall behind the signage systems) and NO chance to reach them!!!

Or should i break the wall and built it up new later on? Who pays for that? TeamViewer?Because ' and will not change later on' this should not be a problem!!!Please - at first - we have to discuss the product specification: ' and will not change later on'.It is written down by TeamViewer since several years in the manuals.And support said: 'IDs will change in TeamViewer 14 as well'.That´s the reason, why i will NOT buy TeamViewer 14 licenses. When an ID changes in TeamViewer, it is not because of a 'bug'. It is because of specifically written code that, rightly or wrongly, detects a hardware change. This is to prevent cloning the software from one machine to another.Let's say you have 10 PC's to provision and deliver. You spend hours on the first one, then you use a cloning tool such as Acronis or Ghost to make an exact copy of the first machine to the other 9.

Then you ship them all over the world. If they all have the same TeamViewer ID, they will be unreachable. That would be bad.When the TeamViewer software wakes up, it looks around for certain identifying factors that are supposed to be unique, such as the MAC address of the NIC, or the serial number of the CPU, or even the date-time stamp on a particular folder. If TeamViewer believes that it has been copied into new hardware, it will automatically generate a new ID.

This is to keep all ID's unique.Another way this might happen is if two TV installations try to log into the TV server with the same ID at the same time. What should happen then? I don't know, but perhaps the second one is forced to have its ID changed to prevent duplicate ID's.Now you ask, what are the things that TV looks for when trying to determine if the hardware has changed? We can speculate, but the people who know aren't going to tell us because they consider it a security risk. We might try to circumvent their licensing safeguards.I agree that, when this happens, TV should notify you of the new ID. They don't do that.

I don't know why. You will have to ask them.

Hi,It's a long story, but I do not think I can explain it and, even better, you're not in the mood to understand it. I understand you are disappointed with these variations; It is also understandable that, for security reasons, not only mine or yours, IDs may undergo arbitrary changes by those IDs who hold them.Imagine that after a theft of copies of licenses in my city (your example), the structure decided formally to change, for the safety of all, even my license. Of course I am disappointed, but the reasons are more than legal.I guess you know what TeamViewer is for and what its real potential is. Imagine that the ID of that device is known to ill-intentioned people, who can voluntarily make your device do things for which it is not designed or even harmful. Do you think you can blame this on TeamViewer? Do you think you can justify it in front of your customers?TeamViewer goes further; if you are not able to comply with some common sense rules, how to periodically change the passwords of your devices, choose complex passwords, then they do it. If they detect a breach in their security system, they are authorized to make any changes that will eliminate the problem.Complaining in this case does not solve the problem.

If you are interested in evaluating the possible alternatives to allow you to continue to manage your devices even in the event of variations, my offer is still valid. I will not be able to answer you further about your complaint, which seems to me legitimate as the answers already received.In any case, I was not referring to the word countries, but to the severeal and several adjectives. They have different meanings, even in German.Regards. Hi DomLan,i think, i understand it. I do IT since 1989. I´m a certificated programmer since 1991. I program databases since 1999.

So i understand a very lot. And TeamViewer always tried to tell me too, that 'i could not understand it'.

Stop with that!!!This very big mistake in the design of the TeamViewer-Programming HAS TO BE written down in the Manuals!!! It is not fair (in my private life in germany we call this a 'lie') to say to future customers 'You are save.

ID will not change'. And after i bought TeamViewer for a lot of money (yes, 1.000,- € each year is for a ver small company a lot of money), you just lean back and tell me 'Oh - see - IDs CAN change'.Whatever the reason for changing IDs is, it IS a lie to wright down: 'IDs will not change'. Because TeamViewer knows this better.What is the problem, to write the truth down in manuals: 'You get an temporary ID. This can change and must have to go to the PC yourself to find out, what your new ID is.

And if Windows makes an update, you could loose your ID as well. So you can´t count on having access to your computer at the time you need the access.' I wonder, why for example heise.de and Center for Combatting Unfair Competition in Germany and USA don´t react. This is a very BIG design-bug in TeamViewer affiliated with lie telling manuals since several years.And the reason, why i´m so angry, is, that i had 6 weeks with TeamViewer-Support. I wrote down the whole system-configuration, Routers, Firewalls, Players (and no, the hardware does not change - partial it happened just after windows-10-updates you can NOT stop) and all the other techniques. I wrote down a long mail to help TeamViewer finding their problem.If say had been so fair, to say - right before my first mail - 'IDs CAN change AND NOW YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, WE DON´T WANT TO SOLVE FOR YOU!'

, then, yes then i would not be so angry.But i heard a lot of really stupid explanations. I was - because of 29 years programming and IT - able, to show them - one after another - that they all went wrong.And now - at the end of a long road, it looks like this:TeamViewer-Support said, they are technically not able, to give me the NEW IDs of my players. I showed them, that and how they CAN do it.

After that, they agreed this point.But then TeamViewer-Support said, it´s a problem of protection of data privacy. I showed them, that and how they CAN do it. After that, they agreed this point as well.And now - after there is everything fine and doable - they write me 'But it´s to much work for us. We will not help you.' The translation of all this is: 'You, as a customer with around 10.000,- € paid since 2008 are not worth enough for us, to help you. Sure, this is a problem of our software and we tell you wrong things in our Manual (hoping you will buy TeamViewer because of never changing IDs), but now we don´t WANT to help you.' So DomLan, if you are able and willingly, to tell me my NEW IDs, i´d like to get your help.Otherwise it´s useless to go on talking about software-design-errors and lies in the manual.Best Regards,SignageAt150PCs.

HiI'm happy for your state. When I said that you would not understand, I was referring to your state of mind: you're angry about the variations of the id you've suffered.

I was not referring to your ability to understand the subject. I do not know you, so I can not judge.I want to help you. I understand that the devices you need to connect to are headless.What kind of hardware and software do you have available?

Windows, Linux, ARM?I guess you can still reach them via SSH, is that correct?What kind of TeamViewer package did you install on your device?If you prefer, you can write to me in private. I will try to analyze your scenario.Regards. Hi DomLan,thanks for understanding and trying to help.Here is the short form:All Players are Windows 10 Home (signage players).SSH is not installed / activated in clients.No domain, just same Workgroup.We did not change any important settings.Hardware are 'mini-players' especially for signage-systems (very small PCs).We have a standard-router before it and use own subnet.Router finds the way through the customers network 'by hisself'. Gets IP via DHCP from customers network and gives IP xxx.xxx.xxx.254 into our own subnet.All clients have fixed IP-adresses in subnet.

For example: xxx.xxx.xxx.1 to xxx.xxx.xxx.5Alle clients have same TeamViewer-Installation file (customized 'TeamViewer-host'-file). The version is 11.0.52465.0 (Language is English(United States)) because the Win10-Players came in with english (US) pre-installed.For the reason of 'we can not walk to the headless players in case of problems' we do not update TeamViewer on the players.We need stable - all same configured - systems. Only our standard-programs and nothing else on the players.Firewall blocks everything without our server, TeamViewer-Servers and some more servers (Timeserver, DNS-Server etc.). Mail from DomLan to SignageAt150PCs:Hi,I imagine that the whole system provides a telemetry mechanism, where each player is proactive in communicating its parameters to your centralized web service. Something like a ping that says, 'Hey, I'm here too, I'm the 1234 player and it's all right here!'

If so, it is not very complicated to derive the current ID from the TeamViewer HOST daemon and send it too via telemetry (do you make sure the channel is safe?). There are several articles about it, both here in the community and off the web. I leave you this example, but I can find others if needed.If this is a possibility for you, fine.

Otherwise you have to leave me at least until Monday to try to elaborate some further strategy.Let me know.RegardsMy answer (from SignageAt150PCs):Hi DomLan,please stay in web, because i think, it´s important for community too, how it goes on.Sure, it is like you wrote above. We can inform us by ourselves, 'Which ID has my TeamViewer 2day?'

(the correct word toda. Is not allowed here)(It´s less intelligent and less comfortable, to MUST do this for a pay-software)So your idea is still done - but only for the players we still can reach.After loosing the IDs and getting back from TeamViewer-Support yesterday: 'We don´t WANT to help you!' , we started this immediately.But still we need the lost IDs back or need to know, which IDs they have TO-DAY.I can give the TeamViewer-Support (or you) the actual IP-adress of player1 in realtime.They only need to take a look in realtime too (or later on in their LOG-protocols), which IDs are on this IP-adress too.And after that, i must and will give my password to reach the TeamViewer at new ID.I have all the aliases of lost IDs and (state from now) for each customers installation a second player, who is still reachable by TeamViewer. So we CAN see the actual IP-adress of lost IDs.Hope, you understand the problem.Give a feedback here on monday is no problem for me.Took a long time until now, so 3 days more are OK for me.Thanks a lot and best regards.

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