The Ultimate Insanity Workout ReviewSlavko DesikThe Insanity workout created quite a buzz in the fitness world. No matter if you are looking for weight loss, or adding muscle mass or maybe just improving overall fitness, the Insanity workout claims to give the best results out there.I was tempted by the promises, so I decided to try and finish the workout. 705 opinions already. What's yours?. Mathew July 6th, 2012This program is INSANE! I already done it, and don’t know why I’m still reading reviews about it.

  1. Insanity Workout 60 Days Full Video
  2. Insanity 60 Day Program

Will definitely try it again. As you said it’s not about the looks anymore, but it kinda gets under your skin if you know what I mean. Nice review anyway. Longer than usual. Slavko Desik August 5th, 2012Thanks Mathew. I’m thinking about doing it again too. As soon as I’m over with my 5k race preparations, I’ll start Insanity again somewhere in mid September.

Yurey May 4th, 2013Hi Slavko,Do I need to start from week 1 or week 6 if I decide to repeat doing INSANITY workout for second time?Thank’s,. andrew March 11th, 2014I done insanity 9 times now I’m being for real I’m 22 an I lift as well but I decided to switch it up on my 10th round by doing insanity month 1 a week an insanity month 2 the next an so on I also completed tap out XT 4 times along with insanity so yal try tht. Jannan April 6th, 2017What? This comment is unintelligible. Johnathan May 24th, 2017Ya but did u dig deep enough?. Mary April 8th, 2014Hi there,I loved your review.I have essential hypertension (high blood pressure that is controlled with medication).

I used to be quite fit – doing weights, spinning, boot camp, swimming but I’ve done little or no exercise since having my 2nd child 2 and a half years ago. I’m 45 yo and around 148 lbs.Am I a suitable candidate for the insanity programme?. Sam June 22nd, 2014Yes, do it. If something is hard, you will do a light version of it or sit and catch your breath while watching them do it.

Whatever you do, do not push pause and do not stay “out” of it for more than 20 seconds, try to get back in for even just one more push up, one more jump, or just stand up and sway your body to keep it moving. It gets easier if you keep pushing yourself little by little in such a way.

The first time I did it, I was really motivated and I got amazing amazing results. I had muscles popping everywhere and really wanted to wear little shorts for the first time.

Since, like you, I have fallen a bit out of shape and I have 20 lbs I wouldn’t mind kissing goodbye but it is harder to do while dragging this extra weight around, I am going to keep trying little by little. Moe Mir December 14th, 2014Hi everyone,This is my 7th day of insanity and I can tell u with confidence that I’m already seeing a dramatic change in my body and I m so excited to graduate from insanity School of excellence! Im doing it to peruse my dream of becoming a professional soccer player!GOOD LUCKTO EVERONE!!!EVERYON. Marija Sh.

March 10th, 2015Well what a fantastic review. I don’t know if you keep the site updated, but i wanted to let you know how suprised i am that so much people are doing the Insanity! I am still on my second week day 1, there is already result. Keeping up with the team in the videos is very hard, but i would say the wish to catch up with them it is Strength which is giving you motivation.

And another thing. The program is going under the skin. Whenever your body is saying too tired to do the video today,your mind says ” Do it, do it, do it”:) Thanks again. Eric johnson April 9th, 2016I wasn’t on hypertension medicine before insanity. I lost so much weight and ate better that now I’m off hypertension medicine. Johnny Dee September 9th, 2015Hey Slavko, I am a 51 year old male and I am on day 37 of Insanity.

I decided I was going to take my life back and get back in shape. This is the best move I have ever made involving work out program. You are right about it breaking you down.

I can’t wait to get finished and send in my results and get my shirt. Thanks again for the support.Johnny Dee. dulce September 4th, 2016I just want to make sure, do we get to keep the DVDs and all after we are done with the program?.

Ivan August 4th, 2017I’m on day 25 of insanity. I haven’t missed a day.

I sweat profusely during every work out. I have had some minimal improvement at the 2nd fit test. My physique is the same, though. I don’t expect great changes after only 3.5 weeks but I still dont see even the beginning of all the miracle photos I see online. I’ve kept at it because cardio work outs are beneficial, but so far, I just feel sore every day with apparent physical improvement. Daniel Tillman July 24th, 2012wow, i’ve looked everywhere and this is the most comprehensive Insanity review and guide on the net at this moment.

You’ve covered some previously missed points about Insanity that have been bothering me. Well done sir, you’ve got me hooked, i just have to give myself a couple of weeks to prepare for it. Already looking forward to it. Slavko Desik August 5th, 2012Glad to hear that Daniel:) Prepare for a fun ride. If you want to be prepared I suggest starting with some low cardio in the form of jogging at first. After three or four days start with some exercises using your own body weight, like sit-ups, push-ups (you will have countless of variations of these in the program), squats (since the program focuses a lot on your quads and calves).

Before you start make sure that you can do some more intense cardio, and you will be ready.Looking forward to hear how things will go. Keep us posted. JohnRich July 27th, 2015Hello Slavko,I just read your review of 2012.

It is now July 26, 2015. I think I am way far behind but never late. I have started to mess around and play with the routines in Insanity from a pack of used DVD given to me as a giveaway. I did not know how to establish a regimen.

Then I could not even pass beyond 20 minutes. I die every time.

So I was wondering if there is a way to do this right and properly as I could not execute a lot of those stretching and plyo and push ups so I just keep jumping and swaying and moving around until the video is into the part where I can do it.Today, as I read you review, I decided I want to do it seriously and prepared my gym room with mat and towel and water. Is it okay to start this way, having used it for about a month without really following the routines to the T? Or does this mess with the result I am seeking? I just want body definition.

158lbs, 47yo male. Jane April 27th, 2013Do you live in East Kilnride, Scotland?. Toni Tantrum T July 18th, 2014I have just got my insanity pack i will be starting it on Monday!! I cannot wait to get my results I WILL BE SHARING MY BEFORE AND AFTER!! – Great review by the way!!! Xx.

Lucy August 18th, 2014Where is your before and after pix? It’s been a month today. I just want to see it because I started today and I want to know what to look forward to. Aidan January 26th, 2015I agree with Lucy, by now you’ve finished (if you didnt give up) and id like to see the actual difference. Sandy November 16th, 2018Hello Daniel,Don’t feel bad or think is a waste of time because it is not.

Also do not base your expectation on the photos you see online. I stated this in 2013 and I did not see any improvement until now that I look back at my then photos and it is a wow in a good way. I am trying to start the program again but honestly it does work. Be motivated and do not look at pictures of other people, every body is different.Good Luck. Courtney August 23rd, 2012i love your review it was very knowledgable.

Im planning on starting insanity and just pray that o have to motivation and willpower. I’ve been trying forever to reach my goals and i hope this will work for me. Something you wrote did bother me a bit though, you see i can’t really do push ups and i know very well tha insanity is a lot of push ups haha so i was wondering how can i work up to being able to do 20 push ups?. Slavko Desik August 23rd, 2012Hi Courtney:)I’m glad that you like the review, and even more that you are serious about trying Insanity.There are a lot of push ups, but this is the thing with insanity: It never forces you to do high number of repetitions in one set. Instead, you go with 4, than 8, up to 16.So trying to reach that 20 mark, I’ll advice you to watch form over number of repetitions. Do one, if that’s your current level.


Insanity Workout 60 Days Full Video

But make it right. It’s about the right form that delivers the results- it triggers the muscles that were intended in the first place.I’ll also advise you to try making less push-ups, but more sets of them. Let’s say make only eight in one set, but go for high number of sets.If you still want to reach that mark though, go with steady progress over a certain time frame. Let’s say you add two push-ups each day, and you will easily reach your goal. I did this when I wanted to see how many sit-ups I can do. Following this method, it seems I can do quite a lot;)Insanity will break you down, so even one push-up will count. Have that in mind:)Keep us posted.

Leigh February 11th, 2013Thank you for the information–I have the same problem with push ups. How about adapting them and doing them with knees on the ground so you are still getting the upper body workout?. Marie-Helene April 16th, 2013I’ve started with push-ups on my knees whenever he was doing push-ups or other types of it. I just after the first week I was getting better! Form is always better!. Comjl December 23rd, 2014The only issue with doing push-ups on your knees is that you remove your core from the exercise.

The core is one of the key elements to all exercises. It isn’t about how many you can do, it’s about how many you can do in correct form.

Insanity 60 Day Program

Try facing a wall and do upright push-ups focusing on proper form while engaging the core as you do the motions. As time goes on and strength improves begin to move to lower surfaces like a bench or chair.

Insanity Workout 60 Days

Kate August 23rd, 2012Hi there,Thank you so much for that review! It answered a lot of my questions. I ordered Insanity and it should be getting here any day now. I’m 16 years old, so younger than most people who do insanity. I’m an athlete though and I play competitive and ski race.

High school soccer season is in full swing now, and since my school starts a bit later in the day the plan was to do insanity in the morning, then soccer practice after school. Do you think this will be too much for me? We have games twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday) so I was thinking use the rest day on Thursday but also take Tuesday off. Will I still get good results if I do insanity 5 days a week instead of 6?

I’m totally motivated and serious about doing the program, I just don’t want to over work myself or be tired for games. Let me know what you think!!Thanks:)Kate. Slavko Desik August 23rd, 2012Hi Kate,You are welcome. The review was intended to get you familiar with all the aspects of Insanity.I’m more than amazed by your persistence, as well as motivation! Doing Insanity in the mornings, and also playing soccer after school is challenging to say the least.

You are an athlete though, so I assume that this is not some ignorant decision, but rather knowing your limits.I tried following some similar pattern, the first time I did Insanity. I was then into running the 5K, and tried to squeeze some run sessions in the less demanding days of the program, as well as tried to combine things with adding additional rest days. It didn’t end well though, since I found it hard to follow both running and Insanity more rigidly. I settled for doing only Insanity.You see, if you try and give ALL you got into the Insanity workouts, I doubt that you will need more. However, you can compensate with not going as deep in the exercises, as to have still some energy to put into the soccer practice.Dedication, healthy diet, enough rest, and motivation as well as communities like this one, are going to suffice I’m sure.

I believe that you can manage to do both.I too plan doing Insanity again, and this time I’m sure I will have what it takes to even add the running sessions (my 5K training is progressing).Keep us posted:). Kate August 23rd, 2012Thank you so much!I think I will try to do Insanity 5 days a week (none on game days) and see how it goes. That means I will finish in early November instead of later October, which is fine. Thanks for the advice and good luck with your 5K training! Will keep you posted:)Cannot wait to start Insanity!!Kate. Courtney August 23rd, 2012One more question – after I have figured out how many calories I eat a day do I add the calories that I burn doing insanity or do I just eat the number i get from the equation?.

Slavko Desik August 23rd, 2012Nope, just the number from the equation. I found though, that you can speed things up, results wise, if you free more room for proteins in your diet on the expense of carbs. However, keep them close too, since otherwise you will lack the energy. Courtney August 24th, 2012so basically eat a little more protein and less carbs?.

Slavko Desik August 24th, 2012Well yes, though its up to every individual. Some may just find the decrease in intake of carbs to be a lot harder.

The Insanity workout has been extremely popular and successful. iStock.comShaun T’s Insanity, which is part of the empire, consists of 10 different programs centering around high-intensity interval workouts.

The workouts are widely appealing because they come in DVD form, taking the need for a gym membership or exercise equipment out of the picture.It also doesn’t hurt that Insanity promises to get you into ridiculously good shape in a short amount of time. (And who isn’t interested in getting in shape as quickly as possible?)Why it isn’t for everyone. This workout requires a lot of dedication. Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock/Getty ImagesSure, Insanity claims to get you into crazy good shape in 60 days, but that comes at a price. Their grueling workout schedule requires you to do a workout session six days a week with little rest. Then, it requires you to take a week off in between the first and second month of training to “recover” and follow a lower-intensity regimen. So even if you do follow the Insanity program to a T, it will take you more than two months to complete it.Then there’s the instructor issue.

When it comes to Insanity, you’re on your own. G-stockstudio/iStock/Getty ImagesInsanity has the same problem that almost all other at-home workouts have — there isn’t an instructor present. When it comes to doing any new exercise plan, especially an intense one, it pays to have an expert nearby to make sure you perform everything properly. If you are pushing yourself as hard as the Insanity plan instructs, and don’t have anyone to help you with your form, you are more likely to get hurt. And the injury issue.

Some brave souls are still up for the challenge. iStock.comSo let’s say that the fear of injury and the time commitment aren’t enough to scare you away. If that is our choice, there are a few things to keep in mind. If you are a beginner, you should consider starting with a lower-intensity workout first, to help get yourself prepared for the grueling Insanity regimen. You might even want to consider consulting a personal trainer, or have someone at your local gym give you some pointers.Making sure that you are performing all of your exercises with the proper form and to the best of your ability is the best way to prevent a workout horror story from happening to you.